Take Action: Register to Vote and Strengthen Law Enforcement

Dear Fellow Citizens,

We believe in the power of democracy and the vital role that law enforcement plays in ensuring the safety and well-being of our communities. Today, we urge you to take action and register to vote, as it not only empowers you as an individual but also has a profound impact on the effectiveness and accountability of our law enforcement agencies.

Voting is a fundamental right that enables us to shape the future of our society, including the policies and practices that guide law enforcement. By registering to vote and participating in local, state, and national elections, you can actively contribute to the selection of officials who will make crucial decisions about the allocation of resources, training, and reforms within law enforcement agencies.

Here's how registering to vote can specifically benefit those in law enforcement:

Your vote has the power to shape the future of law enforcement, creating a safer, more accountable, and equitable society for all. So, take action today—register to vote and encourage others in your community to do the same. Together, we can make a positive difference and ensure that law enforcement agencies reflect the values and needs of the people they serve.

Remember, change begins at the ballot box. Your voice matters, and your vote counts.


American Police Officers Coalition

Call, write or email your Representative and Senators. 

Let them know where you stand on issues that are important to you. Do it often!

Your calls or letters may be as simple as the samples below, but we recommend that you be brief, to the point, and always respectful.


"Hello. My name is _____ and I am a constituent (or, if not a constituent, I am a concerned citizen or I am calling because the Senator or Rep. chairs such-and-such committee). I would like to register my opinion on the issue of ______ (name issue or bill number).  I am in favor of/opposed to _____.  [Here you may add a brief supporting sentence.] Please pass this information along to Senator ______/Rep.______,Thank you."


The Honorable _______ _______

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510


The Honorable ______ ____

United States House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20515


Dear Senator/Representative ______:

I am writing as a constituent (or, if not a constituent, as a concerned citizen or because the Senator or Rep. chairs such-and-such committee) to ask you to support/vote against _______ (issue - or bill number). This issue is important and deserves your attention. [Her you may add any brief additional supporting comments.]


Your name, address

Elected Officials Contact Information

​Contact information for the White House:

Send a message via the White House comments page at http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact.

Call the White House switchboard is at 202-456-1414.

Contact your U.S. Representative:

Identify and contact your U.S. Representative 


Call your representative via the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Contact your U.S. Senator: 

Information about how to contact your U.S. Senators can be found at


Call your representative via the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Contact your Governor:

Information on how to  contact your state's governor can be found at


​Contact your state legislators:

Information on finding and contacting your state senators and state representatives can be found at
